A special issue on "Ground Penetrating Radar" was published in January 1995 in the journal of Applied Geophysics and was a good report of current research activities of GPR throughout the world. The technical committee of the GPR'96 and the Editors of Applied Geophysics have agreed to publish a special issue of the GPR'96 as the second special issue on GPR.
The manuscripts for this special issue must be prepared according to the "Guide for authors (Elsevier Science B.V.) " and is different from the instructions for manuscript to be published in the proceedings of the GPR'96. As a full paper in a scientific journal, the manuscript should contain more information than that of the GPR'96 proceedings. All the submitted manuscripts will be independently reviewed. Selection of papers to be published in this special issue will be made by the Guest Editors of the special issue and Editors of the Applied Geophysics. Total pages of this issue is limited, therefore, not all of the accepted papers in the GPR'96 can be published. We are planning to publish this issue by the end of 1997.
Dead line of submission to the special issue: 8 November, 1996
Manuscripts for the special issue should be submitted to:
Dr. Motoyuki Sato, GPR'96 Technical Chairman
Dept. Geoscience & Technology,
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University
Sendai 980-77, Japan
Phone&Fax: International +81 (22) 217-7376
e-mail: sato@earth.tohoku.ac.jp