
6th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar

September 30 - October 3, 1996

Technical Exhibition at 6th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR'96)

----------- Correspondence and Application form should be sent to: --------

Dr. Motoyuki Sato, GPR'96 Technical chairman Tel:+ 81 22 217-7399 Department of Resources Engineering, Fax:+ 81 22 217-7401 Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University or + 81 22 222-2114 Sendai 980-77, Japan e-mail ------------------------------------------------------

There will be two different ways to exhibit your products during the conference. The first one is an exhibit area in the conference hall, the Aoba memorial Hall. Secondary, there will be a field demonstration at two different test sites in Tagajo city area.

The exhibition space in the conference hall is limited, therefore we recommend to reserve your space by sending the attached Exhibition Application Form soon. This form must be received by the organization committee by January 31, 1996.

There were some recommendation from GPR venders about the exhibition and the field demonstration at the GPR'94. The organization committee would like to hear your idea in order to provide good information about GPR systems to users. We welcome your comments, ideas, suggestions about the exhibition and the field demonstration. Please send them to the organization committee.

Conference Hall Exhibit

1. Exhibition Period:
September 30-October 3, 1996
2. Location:
Ground Floor, Exhibition Hall, Aoba memorial Hall, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. (Conference rooms : 3 and 4th floor)
3. Exhibition Space:
A 180cm* 80cm (1.08m2) table or space for static exhibition, with a floor space (app. 2m * 2m) for demonstration adjoined each static exhibition space.
4. Exhibition Fee:
100000 Japanese Yen / one unit of space (throughout the period) The fee will include registration of one person as a regular participant with one proceedings.
5. Expected Exhibits:
(1) Apparatus and/or systems related to GPR with working models and/or panels.
(2) Software, books, literatures and materials with possible on-site sale.
(3) Newspapers, brochures and catalogs.
6. Facilities:
Partitioned area with AC outlets (100V, 50Hz). Less than 600W.
A display board behind the static exhibition space will be provided upon request.
Signs, dividers or curtains will not be provided.
7. Other Conditions:
Any other expense about exhibition (Charge for transportation, import tax etc.) should be paid by the exhibitor.

Field Demonstration

A half-day or a one-day field trip is scheduled during the conference depending on the conference program (October 1st or 2nd) . Two field demonstration sites will be prepared. All the attendees are invited to the field trip and the fee for the trip is included in the registration fee, therefore most attendees will join this trip. Two sites are located in Tagajo city, approximately 10km east of the downtown Sendai and the Aoba Memorial Hall. Buses will be charted for transportation of attendees.

The field demonstration is a good opportunity for many GPR users to understand practical GPR survey and system performance. The performance of GPR system is strongly dependent on the target condition. Therefore, the organization committee tried to provide varieties of situation. It is our hope that all the exhibitors demonstrate their equipments in this good occasion.

1. Exhibition Period:
One or Half day, October 1 or 2, 1996 (Tentative)
2. Location:

(a) Tagajo Historical Park

One field is located inside the Tagajo provincial office, which is an archaeological site in the 8th century. The area including this site is a historical park open to public. A few types of archaeological structures such as stone base of wooden buildings and trenches will be available. Most these structures are re-buried with soil and are located less than 1m in depth from the ground surface. We think this is similar to geological / environmental survey applications.

(b) Tohoku Gakuin University (Camps of Faculty of Engineering)

The other is a site for survey of buried objects such as pipes and cables and concrete structures. Buried pipes in soil will be provided in the campus. Pavement, concrete structures will also be available.

4. Exhibition Fee:
There will be no fee for firms which exhibit at the conference hall.
5. Expected Exhibits:
GPR system / Electromagnetic subsurface measurement system
6. Facilities:
AC outlets is not available.
Tents or space inside buildings will be prepared in case of rain.
7. Other Conditions:
The cost for the transportation between the Aoba memorial Hall and the field demonstration sites is not included in the above fee. Charted buses will be operated for conference attendees. There is no space for GPR equipments in this bus, however, we will help to reserve a van or other transportation method upon request.
8. Climate
Climate is comfortable in October in Sendai. The maximum temperature is 20 degree Celsius and the lowest is 15 degree. Weather is generally fine, but sometimes we have small rain.

Domestic GPR conferences in Japan

We organized three domestic GPR conferences in Japan, in 1989, 1992 and 1995. The last conference was held in Tokyo in July 1995 and 30 technical papers were presented and about 200 participants including researchers and GPR users/potential users jointed. Technical exhibition was also held and the following firms exhibited their equipments.

GPR'96 September 30-October 3, 1996, Sendai
Send this form by January 31, 1996 to:
Dr. Motoyuki Sato, GPR'96 Technical chairman Tel:+ 81 22 217-7399
Department of Resources Engineering, Fax:+ 81 22 217-7401
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University or + 81 22 222-2114
Sendai 980-77, Japan e-mail
Name of Firm __________________________________
Name of Corresponding Person __________________________________
( ) Mr. ( ) Mrs. ( ) Miss ( ) Ms. ( ) Dr. ( ) Prof.
Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State ___________________________
Country _______________________________ Postal Code _____________________
Phone ________________________________ Fax _________________________________
E-mail ______________________________________________________________________
Number of Space Units Requested __________ (100000 Yen/Unit)
Exhibits Details:
Title _______________________________________________________________________
Description of Exhibits _____________________________________________________
Power Consumption (Watts) ___________________________________________________

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